Documentary Film: River of Renewal

Presented by: Stephen Most

Films and Community

Date: August 8, 2020

Time: 6:00 PM Utah Time

Documentary filmmaker and author Stephen Most’s films have been nominated for Academy Awards and won 5 Emmys.  With the screenwriter and producer in attendance, experience the story of one of America’s great rivers in crisis, and the elemental bonds between California native tribes, the river, and its most legendary denizen, the salmon.

Learn how competing demands for water, food, and energy have pitted farmers, American Indians, and commercial fishermen against each other for decades in the 10 million acre Klamath River Basin.

Polarization gives way to consensus-building as communities recognize their livelihoods all depend on the health of the river, resulting in the largest dam removal project in U.S. history, set to commence in January 2021.

Documentarian Stephen Most leads a community conversation and responds to questions on Zoom after the film beginning at 7:15 PM MDT.

You can also order a signed copy of his new book: Stories Make the World: Reflections on Storytelling and the Art of the Documentary. Here’s how: Purchase online and have the book mailed to Stephen Most, 1815 Grant Street, Berkeley, CA 94703. (To buy from an independent bookstore, you can use this site.) Then send Stephen a note with your name and address and a check for $4 to cover postage and handling. When he receives your copy of his book, he will sign it and mail it to you.

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