Documentary Film- Wilder Than Wild: Fire, Forests, and the Future

Presented by: Stephen Most & Kevin White

Films, Community, and Science & Land

Date: August 22, 2020

Time: 7:15 PM Utah Time

Watch film no later than 6:00 PM MDT* (Please note the time zone).  You will need to register below to receive a link to see the film. Join us at 7:15PM MDT for the discussion (read below).

Beyond the normal destructive wildfire is the megafire which covers at least 100,000 acres and burns at a high rate of intensity. Before 1995, less than one megafire per year ignited in the US. From 2005 to 2014, the average has risen to 9.8 per year. Increasing in frequency for the past decade, these fires are baked into our future.

Let’s Talk About It! After the film at 7:15 PM MDT, join Director and Producer Stephen Most and Kevin Whitevia Zoom to learn how fuel build-up and climate change have exposed Western wildlands to megafire and how greenhouse gases released from fires further contribute to global warming. Proactive prescribed fire can reduce reliance on reactive fire suppression as stakeholder groups working with scientists and resource managers build consensus on how to restore and manage the lands we love and depend on. A conversation on the Climate Crisis with screenwriter Stephen Most and producer Kevin White.

Awards and Festivals: Green Fire Award, SF Green Film Grand Festival Award – Environmental Documentary, Berkeley Film and Video Festival.

Official Selection: Wild & Scenic, Colorado Environmental, Sonoma International, Ojai, JORD Eco, Friday Harbor, Sierra Nevada, Siskiyou and Earth Day Film Festivals.

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