Lunch Hike on the Greenhalgh Trail

Presented by: Bureau of Land Management (BLM)- Paria River District

Outdoor Adventure


Time: -

Description: Join Bureau of Land Management Paria District Manager Harry Barber for a lunchtime hike on the Greenhalgh Trail, just north of Kanab. This is a relatively flat, loop hike totaling approximately 2.5 – 3.0 miles. Bring your lunch, water and appropriate clothing for the weather conditions. Wear comfortable shoes for hiking.

Location: Meet at the Kane County Office of Tourism.

Directions: To carpool, meet in Kanab at 11:45 AM at the Earthfest Information Table, Kane County Office of Tourism, 78 South 100 East, Kanab Utah, or proceed directly to the trailhead. From Kanab drive north on US-89 to a dirt road opposite the entrance to the Hog Canyon OHV Trail System. Turn left off Hwy 89 toward Kanab Creek. Carpooling is strongly encouraged because trailhead parking is very limited.

Location: Meet at Kane County Office of Tourism

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Access to the events of Amazing Earthfest is free, however we recommend a one-time donation amount of $20 to cover admission to most events scheduled during the festival. There are a few exceptions, which are noted in the event descriptions, to cover the cost of food or performances.
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