Matt Brown

Kanab business owner and community leader

Matt Brown has always been a builder. As a young boy he was always outdoors creating forts, underground huts or organizing neighborhood kids to build cities in the dirt. In his teens he worked on ranches and even lived by himself at age 17 for half summer fixing fence and tending to the herd. During these years he bought several cars, that are considered classics today, and completely restored them. In his adult life he’s always been his own boss creating several businesses. He has a passion for breathing new life into old buildings and designing and building new homes. For eight years he worked with Kane County helping to build hiking trails and promoting discovery of Kane County by foot. During this time he created the concept that is now the Kanab Center and oversaw its construction. He has also served in significant leadership positions in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and presently works alongside his wife, Julie, to collaborate with all faiths in the area to create community service projects and provide assistance to those in need.